Chernoh Shaw

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Name: Chernoh Shaw

Nationality: Sierra Leonean

Playing position: Goalkeeper

Address: Sir Samuel Lewis Road Freetown Sierra Leone

Date of birth: 30th June 1984

Place of birth: Freetown

Language spoken: Fullah, Krio and English

Marital status: Single with two (2) Children

Educational background: Primary and secondary education only

History of my Amputation

I became an amputee in 1998, during the civil war. I was a young boy living in Lumley, Freetown and we went to demonstrate against the rebel leader Foday Sanko. It was so terrible during that time and I was shot in my left hand. Some people rushed me to the hospital and I was hospitalized, but with no proper medical attention. So I lost my left hand and then the rebels burned our house in the provinces.

I am from a large extended family: I am of the Shaw family, the first born, and I have four (4) brothers and my cousins, niece, uncles, aunties, grandmother.

Life for me is not too easy now days. With only one hand it is very difficult for me to survive, to get a job and to be educated. It is very difficult in Sierra Lone. But with the hope of the Salone Flying Stars Amputee Football Club I have the second chance to live.


Vandi Musa


Bai Tarawally