Mohamed Kamara
Name: Mohamed Kamara
Nationality: Sierra Leonean
Playing position: Midfielder
Address: Sir Samuel Lewis Road Freetown Sierra Leone
Date of birth: 11th May 1983
Place of birth: Port Loko District
Language speaking: Temneh, Krio and English
Marital status: Single with two (2) Children
Educational background: Primary Education only
History of my Amputation
I got my amputation during the civil war, January 6th 1999, when the rebels attacked Freetown. It was at night when they entered the city and they captured my parents and burned them alive in our home. I was traumatized and the city was in total chaos. I was trying to hide in the bush when the rebels caught me and cut off my right leg. They loathed and destroyed the area and left nothing alive.
I was left for a week lying in pain, with sorrows, sadness and lowliness. Eventually I was rescued by the Red Cross and hospitalized for three months. I was left with no hope. But with the Salone Flying Stars Amputee Football Club I have the second chance to live.